While surfing the internet, I ran across the blog My Favorite Christmas Tradition Is.... from Janine's Confessions of a Mommyaholic. Janine was challenging her readers to finish the sentence "My favorite holiday/ Christmas Tradition is...." I am accepting that challenge.
What is my favorite Christmas Tradition?? That is a good question. As far as traditions go, I am sort of in a transitional period. The Smooch and I just hit our two year wedding anniversary in September. We met in January before we got married so our first Christmas together was also our first Christmas together as a married couple. This Christmas coming up will be our third together. We are still looking for our Christmas traditions. So far we haven't done anything consistently. The Smooch's family is from New York so we spend every other year at their house for Christmas. On those years (all 1 so far), we didn't even bother putting up a Christmas tree since we wouldn't be home to enjoy it. On the years we stay home and go to my family's for Christmas, we do put up a tree but so far our tree is pretty sad. I have some ornaments from my childhood. My husband also has a few ornaments from his childhood but they all have his brother's name on them. Apparantly an ex-girlfriend of The Smooch destroyed all of his childhood ornaments in some sort of crazed fit. I think that might be about the coldest thing you could do to a person. Somehow my husband ended up with some of his brother's ornaments. So our tree is a mash up of ornaments from our childhood.
This brings me to my favorite Christmas tradition. This may not be something we do at Christmas but it is something we do for Christmas. The Smooch and I are trying to gather ornaments from "our" life. When we travel, we try to buy ornaments that will remind us of these trips together. We only have a few so far but my favorite thing is getting those ornaments out each year and remembering the trip we took. Our Christmas tree is turning into a scrap book of our lives and that is probably my favorite holiday tradition.
This is the ornament we recently bought on a trip to visit the in-laws. It represents our trip to New York City we took last Christmas. When we were in NY visiting his family, we went into the city to see the tree at Rockefeller Center. When I get home, I will put last year's date on it and then I will hang it on the tree. Whenever I see it, I will think of my first time to Rockefeller Center and even more importantly, the first Christmas I spent with my in-laws.
What are your favorite Christmas/ Holiday traditions? I want to hear them!
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